Saturday, April 10, 2010

Coffee and music...

So, what is it about coffee and music? One of my favorite things to do is to sit down and drink a cup of coffee while listening to music.  (im doing this now)  But my concern is with bands and coffee and getting into the mainstream consciousness.  I am sure most people have seen this:

The band Deathklok loves coffee, and it doesnt end just there.  One of my all time top favorite bands Akron/Family loves coffee, and although they have not written any songs about coffee (that I know about) they are known to scoure the city they are playing a show in to find the best cup of joe.  One of the dudes in the band also worked at Gimme coffee at some point as well as them playing a bunch of shows at one of their stores.  Check out this article about the bands top 10 favorite shops for espresso here. Historically speaking too, just about everyone who has worked in coffee knows that there is this thing about bands playing shows in coffee houses.  In two of my last two coffee houses we had bands and musicians play multiple times a week, forming communities of people who loved good coffee and people who loved local music.  Here is a song played at my old shop 'The MugShot' by the band Shripmpanzee :

And from another shop I worked at 'Kozy Koffee' here is the whole open mic crew playing to a packed room their version of Outkast's song 'Hey Ya' :

Beyond all my history of having bands loving and playing in coffee houses I think I have had more impact on peoples lives via the music I have played in the shop while they were there drinking their coffee.  I have played music that most people would never have otherwise listened to and hopefully opened their minds to not just new music but a new way of looking at coffee...

I'm not sure if coffee inspires music or vise versa or if they co-exist and build on each-other on some plane of the human subconscious, but there is some connection to be had in that they work so well together.

How about Iggy Pop and Tom Waits in the movie "Coffee & Cigarettes":

or the traditional coffee and blues :

Or Ella :

Ya gotta admit that there is something with coffee...

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